Richard Liebermann - The Deaf Portrait and Landscape Painter 1900-1966
Author: Wieler-Bloch, R.
Publisher: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2010
(translated form German into English by Google Translate)
"As a member of the extended Wieler family, Raffael Wieler-Bloch traced the life and achievements of this important man from the inside in a particularly sensitive and loving way, as if in a kind of half-timbered building: between the solid, solid beam structure of the objective data and facts, he has sensitive, witty , funny, exciting, subtle, sad, witty condensed lines inserted, which describe the reality of the family life of the Liebermanns as realistically as it could have been.
Even before this book, Richard Liebermann was saved from the fate of becoming a completely forgotten artist. Gernot Römer already mentioned him in 1995 in: “An almost normal life, memories of the Jewish communities in Swabia, exhibition in Augsburg, life story and pictures of Richard Liebermann”.
We should also remember what was probably the first major exhibition 35 years after his death, but by no means premature: “Searching for traces: Richard Liebermann 1900-1966. Lifelines of a Deaf Jewish Artist. Edmund Scharff Museum Neu-Ulm, November 9, 2001 - February 3, 2002 ”. On December 9, 2001, Bayerischer Rundfunk broadcast the program “Seeing instead of hearing” (German Society for the Promotion of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) about Richard Liebermann, whose data is now also available on the Internet. It is a work of strong narrative and representational power, and with the touching, exhilarating, tragic, sad, eerily condensed family saga "Richard Liebermann - The Deaf Portrait and Landscape Painter 1900-1966" the author has undoubtedly succeeded in making an excellent hit - and not Finally, a loving, opulent, substantial homage to an unforgettable and unforgettable artist.