Categories starting with D
Deaf Studies Terms (21)
Items starting with D
DCH stands for: Digital Cultural Heritage.
For more info, resources, and EU funding for DCH projects, see:
Deaf - big D, versus deaf - little d
"In the field of Deaf Studies, the use of an upper case ‘D’ in the word ‘Deaf’ denotes membership of a Deaf community and use of an indigenous signed language as a primary or preferred language.
Use of the lower case ‘d’ in the word ‘deaf’ refers to people who have a medically determined hearing loss, but who may not consider themselves to be a member of the Deaf community, and who may not use an indigenous signed language.
A typical example of a ‘deaf’ person is an adult with an acquired hearing loss.
A typical example of a ‘Deaf’ person is a prelingually deaf child who, through use of an indigenous signed language, shared linguistic and cultural values with other signed language users."
Signed Languages in Education in Europe – a preliminary exploration
Lorraine LEESON, Centre for Deaf Studies, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Science. Trinity College Dublin, 2006
Deaf and Dumb
Offensive term. Do not use, see Words to use and avoid.
Deaf Community (N)
"The Deaf Community can refer to a group of people who share the same interests, experiences and language. You do not have to be physically deaf to be part of the Deaf Community. You can be a parent of a deaf child, be a hearing child of deaf parents or you can simply be involved with deaf people.
For someone to be accepted by the Deaf Community, they are usually able to use and understand Irish Sign Language (ISL) and go to Deaf events. The Deaf Community do not see being deaf as ‘a problem’ and demonstrate positive attitudes to being deaf. Members of the community also work for equal access across all aspects of life (Irish Deaf Society’s A Guide for Parents of Deaf Children, 2011)."
Quoted from: Conama, John Bosco , “Hidden Histories Catalogue,” Deaf Lives Ireland
Source: Culture (N)
Deaf culture is the set of social beliefs, behaviors, art, literary traditions, history, values, and shared institutions of communities that are influenced by deafness and which use sign languages as the main means of communication.
When used as a cultural label especially within the culture, the word deaf is often written with a capital D and referred to as "big D Deaf" in speech and sign. When used as a label for the audiological condition, it is written with a lower case d.
From: Wikipedia
Deaf Gain (N)
Deafness is often seen as an economic burden to society, but in addition to the well-documented research on visual-processing and visual attentiveness including enhancements in spatial cognition, facial recognition, peripheral processing, and speed in detecting images, deafness can be and is an economic advantage.
Diversity in cognitive, creative, linguistic and cultural platforms can generate new inventions and new ways of thinking. (Bauman & Murray 2014)
Deaf Museum? (N)
"Deaf Museum" probably is an old-fashioned name, but I think most people will understand what it means:
a museum about things to do with deaf history, deaf people, deaf education, deaf politics, deaf art, deaf sports, sign language, etc.. So we named our project "Deaf Museums".
A more correct and up-to-date name for a Deaf Museum is what the Museum in Trondheim (NO) now calls itself: Norwegian Museum of Deaf History and Culture.
Deaf Resilience (N)
Resilience in deaf individuals is not only the capability to withstand adversity but the capability is grounded on the deaf community cultural wealth: deaf-centric aspirational, social, linguistic, resistant and navigational capitals are learned from the deaf community.
The availability of the abovementioned resources promote resilience and foster later success both in the academic and work life. (Yosso; 2005; Hauser, 2014)
Offensive term. Do not use, see Words to use and avoid.
Deafhood (N)
See Hear:
The word “Deafhood” was first used by Paddy Ladd in 1993.
Understanding the concept of colonization is an integral part of the Deafhood philosophy. The term “Deafness”, and others like it, are seen as arising from the colonization process. Hence there was a need to develop a Deaf-centered term, “Deafhood”.
Deafhood includes:
- The total sum of all positive meanings of the word “Deaf” — past, present and future
- All the largest meanings of what Sign Language Peoples have been, are, and can become. Including:
- all that Deaf people have created in this world
- all that they created which has been lost to sight (because of colonialism)
- all that they might create in future
According to Ladd, Deafhood requires deaf people to evaluate and liberate themselves from the oppression they have faced historically from the majority hearing society. To this process of self-liberation, Ladd writes:
"...I found myself and others coining a new label of 'Deafhood.' Deafhood is not, however, a 'static' medical condition like 'deafness.' Instead, it represents a process - the struggle by each deaf child, deaf family and Ddaf adult to explain to themselves and each other their own existence in the world. In sharing their lives with each other as a community, and enacting those explanations rather than writing books about them, deaf people are engaged in a daily praxis, a continuing internal and external dialogue." (Ladd, 2003:3)
Development Phase (N)
A development phase follows the Conceptual Phase. Funding is acquired and the physical and educational design of the exhibition is completed.
After a project budget and an exhibition plan have been completed, production can commence. Activities include building, preparing, mounting and installing the exhibits, and also involve training of the educational staff and marketing.
Source: (N)
Disability and disabled are outdated terms, literally meaning individual inability and unable, which are both inaccurate and insulting. Difability is a portmanteau that more accurately and politely describes people with biological, cognitive difability like deafness, autism and cerebal palsy.
Donation (N)
The legal owner signs something over to the museum. It is a gift, preferably without any strings attached.
Donor (N)
A person who gives or contributes.
Dublin Core
The Dublin Core, also known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, is a set of fifteen "core" elements (properties) that can be used to describ resources in a standardized way.
The resources described using the Dublin Core may be digital resources (video, images, web pages, etc.) as well as physical resources such as books or works of art.
Also see: