Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum?
Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
Kuurojen museo (FI) Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
Take care of your own Deaf history artefacts, publications and stories.
Norsk Døvemuseum (NO) Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
A new employee starts working with us of June 2022, so perhaps our answers will be a bit different next time you ask.
Døvehistorisk Selskab (DK) Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
Always that the government must take responsibility for deaf history. That is part of the country's heritage. Often they are interested in medical hearing developments, but the culture and social life of Deaf people are more interesting!!
Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds (FR) Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
There are a few associations in France which have a small museum, either in their home or in the house of associations. I think they should be encouraged to continue to preserve, protect and safeguard the cultural heritage of the Deaf community.
It would also be interesting and necessary for museums to show solidarity and to be able to exchange information, knowledge and experiences.