Deaf Museum and Archive UK
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Responses
More info. about the Deaf Heritage Centre UK.
Questions answered by: Peter Jackson, director of the Centre, 7 April 2022
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 1: Interest?
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
Yes, there is a lot of interest in our Museum. It is the only one in our country.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 2: Target Group?
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
The target groups of our museum can be broken down into six sub-groups
(a) The Deaf community in general;
(b) Sign Language students (both Deaf and hearing), learning for their own history projects;
(c) University students (both Deaf and hearing), especially those doing Deaf Studies, for their dissertations;
(d) Deaf Ph. D students from both the UK and overseas for their own research projects;
(e) Deaf schoolchildren;
(f) the general public, through “drop-ins” and “Open Days”
Normally, groups (b), (c) and (e) attend through pre-arranged visits. Deaf Community visitors come in either pre-arranged visits or individually in Open Days. Ph. D student visits usually book by appointment.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 3: Advertising
Does your Museum have a website? Do you use Social Media? Do you advertise in other ways?
What - in your opinion - is the most effective way to get people to visit your museum?
Website: Yes
Social Media? Yes
Do you advertise in other ways? Yes
Most effective way? Social Media and word of mouth.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 4: Location?
The location of your Museum. Is it in a building that is owned by you? Rented? Can you use it for free? Is your Museum located at a Deaf school, a Deaf Club or a Deaf Association? If we may ask: what are the costs?
A paid, rented location, at a Deaf Club. Costing £1600 pm
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
We are an independent charity and receive funding through grants from Government departments, trusts and foundations, the National Lottery.
We always have to apply for funding.
Very little of our funding comes from other income.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 6: People working at your Museum ?
Do you have any paid employees? If yes: how many?
Do you depend on volunteers? How many volunteers work at your Museum?
The people who work at your Museum (as professionals or as volunteers) have they had any special training in Museum Skills, other relevant training?
No paid staff. About 3 persons on a regular basis; about 5 on an irregular basis.
Yes, they’ve had relevant training.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
We do not work together with other organisations.
Interest: depends.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 8: The Future?
What about the future of your Museum? What are future risks, future opportunities?
The future of our Museum depends heavily on securing grant income. We live from hand to mouth and could collapse any time.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 9: Three wishes?
If you could make three wishes for the future of your Museum: or for Deaf Museums in general: what do you wish for?
- A wealthy sponsor;
- Secure grant funding;
- Professional staff.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 10: Anything Else?
Are there any other things you want to tell Deaf Associations, other organisations or people who want to start a Deaf Museum? Any advice? Things they should - or should not - do?
Take care of your own Deaf history artefacts, publications and stories.