Question 1: Interest?
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
Question 1: Interest? Kuurojen museo (FI)
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
Yes, deaf people who visit are interested and feel that the museum is important for preserving their cultural heritage. Also researchers and others interested visit us and use our collections from the whole country and some also from abroad.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 1: Interest?
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
Yes, there is a lot of interest in our Museum. It is the only one in our country.
Question 1: Interest? Norsk Døvemuseum (NO)
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
The Museum is important, but we don’t have many visitors on a daily basis (drop-in). It is a political interest in our museum, and among the deaf community.
The Deaf Museum is a national museum here in Norway, so we represent the whole country, not just our region (Trøndelag).
Question 1: Interest? Døvehistorisk Selskab (DK)
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
We are the world's oldest deaf history society as founded in 1981. We focus on deaf history for education and social life for deaf people in Denmark.
Question 1: Interest? Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds (FR)
Is there a lot of interest in your Museum, is your Museum important? In your city, your region, in your country? Why? Or... why not?
Our museum is of undeniable interest because it is the only museum dedicated to the history of the deaf in France. In this sense it is important.
It is known at the national level but also at the international level. Deafness in general, and its history in particular, arouses people's curiosity.