Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
Kuurojen museo (FI) Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
The museum is not a commercial enterprise. The costs of the museum are included in the total budget of the Finnish Labour museum Werstas.
We of course apply for grants for special purposes like exhibitions.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
We are an independent charity and receive funding through grants from Government departments, trusts and foundations, the National Lottery.
We always have to apply for funding.
Very little of our funding comes from other income.
Norsk Døvemuseum (NO) Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
We do not make a profit. The Deaf Museum in Norway is a part of a big collaboration of museums in our region, called Museene i Sør-Trøndelag (MiST).
The museum in MiST receives fundings from the cultural department, so does the Deaf Museum.
Døvehistorisk Selskab (DK) Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
We have 80 members who pay 30 euro/year/member.
The Danish Deaf Association supports us with 3.000-3.500 euro/year.
But we had a project for registration in the years 2017-2021 which was supported with 70.000 euro funding.
Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds (FR) Question 5: Finances?
Is your museum a commercial enterprise, do you make a profit?
Do you receive funding? From who?
Our museum is a “Law 1901” type association (non-profit organization). We don't make a profit.
We ensure that our finances are balanced.
We receive grants at various levels, donations from individuals and associations.