Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
Kuurojen museo (FI) Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
Yes whenever a suitable opportunity rises.
We have a good network of deaf history enthusiasts at home and abroad.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
We do not work together with other organisations.
Interest: depends.
Norsk Døvemuseum (NO) Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
The Deaf Museum has been working with the university (NTNU) several times, and also with Statped (education for people working with deaf people).
Døvehistorisk Selskab (DK) Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds (FR) Question 7: Collaboration?
Do you work together with other Deaf Museums? Or universities, groups or Deaf Archives in Europe? If you do, who with?
If you don't: would you like to cooperate with other organizations ?
But yes, we’d like to.