Question 2: Target Group?
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
Question 2: Target Group? Kuurojen museo (FI)
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
Our main target group is the deaf community, but anyone is welcome. Both deaf and hearing students have used our collections and often deaf from abroad visit us.
We have had about 2000 visitors per year in our exhibitions.
In our web-museum we have had 20.000-40.000 visitors per year.
Deaf Museum and Archive UK Question 2: Target Group?
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
The target groups of our museum can be broken down into six sub-groups
(a) The Deaf community in general;
(b) Sign Language students (both Deaf and hearing), learning for their own history projects;
(c) University students (both Deaf and hearing), especially those doing Deaf Studies, for their dissertations;
(d) Deaf Ph. D students from both the UK and overseas for their own research projects;
(e) Deaf schoolchildren;
(f) the general public, through “drop-ins” and “Open Days”
Normally, groups (b), (c) and (e) attend through pre-arranged visits. Deaf Community visitors come in either pre-arranged visits or individually in Open Days. Ph. D student visits usually book by appointment.
Norsk Døvemuseum (NO) Question 2: Target Group?
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
We have a debate among our employees these days; is this a museum for the deaf community, or for the hearing to learn about the deaf community? We think this is difficult and have not come to a conclusion yet. We have many school children visiting our museum, and school children for high school, which often are a difficult group to interact with (they are too cool for museums😊). But we learn that we sometimes move them and make them think when they learn about deaf culture.
Target group: Children from 6 – 18, adults who want to learn about deaf culture and the deaf community.
Because of corona, we did’t have many visitors the last years. Usually, we have about 3000 visitors a year (a low amount).
Question 2: Target Group? Døvehistorisk Selskab (DK)
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
Target group: all who are interested in deaf history
We have 6 volunteers who work every week (Friday) for the registration of our materials on homepage (that is cooperation for local archives for national small and local archives).
100 people per month visit our collection.
Question 2: Target Group? Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds (FR)
The target group of your Museum: the Deaf community or also hearing persons? Adults, or also children?
Can you tell us how many people visit your Museum, on average, Per day, week, or per month?
The museum targets the deaf community, of course, but also a wide audience, so hearing people.
Adults visit it but also children taken by their schools. Researchers come here to find information for their work (theses, for example).
The number of visitors per month is very variable, depending on summer and winter. The number has continued to increase since the museum opened in 2013, except during the COVID health crisis; last year we had 235 visitors; in 2020: 168, and then in 2019: 419.